How to have great abs, #11 | 2The number one question from folks who write to us is "How do I get better abs?" We'll answer that question here. A detailed answer would take many pages (such as those in Shawn Phillips' book, Absolution). Let's start out by addressing common myths, then working principles, then a six-point plan to get you those great abs. Myths
Working Principles
More, below....
PostureTo correct bad posture, you need to learn what good posture is and analyze the posture you do have. Your spine needs to follow a certain curve pattern. In most of us, this pattern is disrupted. You may wish to consult a chiropractor (one of the rare instances in which I think they can help) or ask your family doctor for a referral to a posture expert. To correct weak abdominal muscles, don't do sit-ups! This exercise actually creates an imbalance, and causes the wrong stresses on the connective tissue. Plus, it exacerbates posture problems. There are many effective exercises for your abs. Here are some:
Six Steps
There you go. If you follow these six steps, you will have abs you can be proud of. |
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Where an article is not bylined with a specific author's name, it was written by Mark Lamendola (see photos on home page and elsewhere on this site). Mark is a 4th degree blackbelt, has not been sick since 1971, and has not missed a workout since 1977. Just an example of how Mark knows what he's talking about: In his early 50s, Mark demonstrated a biceps curl using half his body weight. That's a Jack LaLanne level stunt. Few people can even come close. If you want to know how to build a strong, beautiful body, read the articles here. |
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